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Town History


The Town of Wayne contains 18 visible cemeteries and 3 cemeteries with no visible trace.

The Town of Wayne Cemeteries Location Map, available via the link below was developed through the collaborative effort of Buddy Leech and Bob Canfield of the Wayne History Group and Tom Sears, Steuben County GIS Coordinator. (Please go to the bottom of this page for a map of Town of Wayne Cemeteries and also links for Town of Wayne Cemeteries.)

The following are the names of verterans buried or memorialized at our small cemeteries in the Town of Wayne (compiled by Buddy Leech).

Loucks Cemetery

Revolutionary War

Sanford, Rev. Ephraim

Swarthout Family Cemetery

Revolutionary War

Swarthout, Jr., Anthony

Welles Cemetery

Revolutionary War

Welles, Dr. Benjamin

Wixson Cemetery

Revolutionary War

Hastings, Timothy

Travis, Sgt Sylvanus

Wixson, Solomon

War of 1812

Wixson, James

The following are the names of veterans buried or memorialized at McDowell Cemetery. (Compiled by Buddy Leech) --

Revolutionary War

Gleason, John

War of 1812

Clark, Phineas

Hunter, George

Mexican-American War

Civil War

Brown, William

Clark, Dwight Clinton

Clark, Francis Taylor

Clark, PVT Lewis C. (This is a cenotaph: Burial Location Memorial)

Dykes, William J.

Earnest, Clinton D.

Earnest, Wallace William

Eveland Jr., Joseph

Gleason, Amasa Marion

Gleason, James Franklin

Horton, Joseph Robert

Morse, William A.

Northrup, Daniel

Sabin, David Franklin

Stowell, Archelaus A.

Straway, Squire VanCleave

Tomlinson, PVT Wilbur/Wilbur Fisk (This is a cenotaph: Burial Location Memorial)

Waggoner, Albert C.

Spanish-American War

Grandby, Robert D.

World War I

Brown, Robert Olaf

Dayton, Sgt Eddie A. (Canadian Army)

Smith, Percy E. (World II also)

World War II

Conklin, John L.

Dowling, James Bernard

Ernhout, Howard S.

Heath, William Johnson "Jeff"

Howitt, Jr., Thomas

Kemp, Jel Dean

Knapp, Charles Platt

Marcotte, George Phillip

McAfee, Harold S.

Patocka, Joseph C.

Scott, Arthur A.

Smith, Kenneth M.

Smith, Percy E. (World War I also)

Swimley, George V.

Westfall, Paul P.

Korean War

Hancock, James T. "Jim"

Vietnam War

Bills, Brian Cole


Baker, Sr., Dr. DeWitt Theodore "Doc, Dutch"

Darrin, Neil Thomas

Marcotte, Jean George "Buz"

Potter, Thomas Jay

Snyder, Roger Fay

The following are the names of Veterans buried or memorialized at Wayne Village Cemetery

(compiled by Buddy Leech) --

Revolutionary War

War of 1812

Cooley, Increase

Hallack, Jonathan

Sunderlin, Dennis

Swarthout, James Armstrong

Wixson, Sr., Daniel

Mexican-American War


Civil War

DeLong, Harrison

Dorthy, Michael J.

Evland, John

Jacobus, Henry

Lyon, Alanson E.

Noland, John

Seymour, Robert Packard

Steele, Daniel T.

Straway, William

Walsh, Charles R.

Walsh, James H.

Washburn, Edward Absalom "Edwin"

Washburn, William D.

Willover, Harvey/Harry F.

Spanish American War


World War I

Gleason, Clayton J.

Rose, Earl Judson

Wood, Stanley F.

World War II

Andrews, Lee L.

Bladwin, Sr., Mitchell R.

Brimmer, Harry A.

Dickerson, Sr., Mark G.

Feyrer, John Willis

Haight, Holmes Franklin "Homer"

Hamilton, James W.

Harkness, Alfred J.

Masker, Elsworth F.

Peterson, Ward J.

Rose, Grant W.

Scotchmer, Sr., Marvin R. "Bud"

Warren, Albert Charles

Warren, Howard D.

Wax, William John

Korean War

Hall, Sr., David Theodore "Dave"

Litteer, Robert H.

Scotchmer, Forrest Robert "Curley"

Swarthout, Raymond Charles "Ray"

Wood, Richard H.

Vietnam War

Bailey, Harry B.

Davis, Richard Dale

Graves, Lee E.


Lawrence, John C.

Swarthout, Sr., Robert Biggers

The following are the names of Veterans buried or memorialized at Tyrone Union Cemetery (compiled by Buddy Leech) --

Revolutionary War

War of 1812

Arnold, Daniel

Brace, Sr., Thomas

Conklin, Gamaliel D.

Hammer, Jabez

Hill, Ezra

Jimerson, Sr. Isaac

Sebring, CPT, John

Smith, Jr., James

Mexican-American War

Civil War

Alderman, Charles Wesley

Alderman, John Jay

Arnold, Abram

Bailey, Charles A.

Beach, Lewis

Beach, Philip L.

Benjamin, David Forshee

Benjamin, Howard Jeremy

Boyce, Lewis

Brace, Daniel

Brace, Lafayette

Brace, Sylvanus D.

Cadmus, Dr. James Monroe

Clark, John W.

Clark, Lewis P.

Conn, George W.

Crookston, Moses W.

Dansenburg, James

Davison, Philo Elmer

Dodd, Edward

Duvall, John C.

Eccleston, John S.

Ellison, David

Ellison, Henry

Foster, Jr., Linley C.

Goltry, Luther H.

Green, Elias B.

Green, Samuel

Griffeth, Stephen F.

Hamlin, James Newell

Hanmer, Lewis E.

Howell, Elias Samuel

Huey, Edward W.

Huey, William J. "Willie"

Jessop, Daniel

Lewis, Dennis

Littell, Freeman, W.

Mattoon, Charles H.

Millis, Charles Henry

Norris, Gilbert

Paddock, Peter

Paulding, William R.

Potter, Hiram B.

Sebring, Philip L.

Silliman, Andrew

Smith, Frederick

Spears, Ansel

Speers, Jacob

Storrs, Leonard H.

Tunis, Samuel

Van Duzer, Francis "Frank"

Watson, Lawrence

Wilber, Samuel Judson

Wood, Henry Switzer

Spanish American War

World War I

Allen, Charles Edward

Baker, George Robert

Bennett, Morris E.

Bennett, Orrin Chester

Buckley, George Ralph

Drehmer, Earl C.

Foster, Vernie K.

Fox, Harry A.

Hill, H. Lavern

Horton, Clarence O.

Houck, Jacob F. "Jake"

Huey, Linton Douglas

Leithauser, Grover C.

Meade, Harry L. American Legion Meade-Price Post 1208 in Wayne, NY, was founded in 1938. It is named after two Tyrone residents who lost their lives in World War I. Harry Meade, an ambulance driver, died during an influenza epidemic in New York City. Ernest Price, a member of Co. G, 5th Marines, was killed in action in France.

Moore, James F.

Myers, Arthur

O'Neill, Daniel Joseph

Pitcher, Kenneth H.

Price, PVT Ernest Carlial -- (Buried in Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery and Memorial) American Legion Meade-Price Post 1208 in Wayne, NY, was founded in 1938. It is named after two Tyrone residents who lost their lives in World War I. Harry Meade, an ambulance driver, died during an influenza epidemic in New York City. Ernest Price, a member of Co. G, 5th Marines, was killed in action in France.

Ray, Lawrence Drew

Sproul, Harold William

Stamp, Benjamin F. (World II also)

Swarthout, Howard Charles

Wolverton, Robert

Wood, John

Wood, Maland Daniel

World War II

Baker, Frederick George

Baker, PFC Ralph LeeDaniel

Barkley, James Carlton

Beach, CPT Harold Obadiah (This is a cenotaph: Burial Location Memorial)Beach, Mary G. Devine (This is a cenotaph: Burial Location Memorial)Bennett, Donald Robert "Zeke"

Best, Edward L.

Best, Harry R.

Bowdoin, Nathaniel Wade

Brace, Sr. Frederick "Fred"

Brackett, Henry H.

Byrnside, Junior A. (Korean War and Vietnam War also)

Campbell, Jesse L.

Eaton, Frederick Roger

Eaton, William D. (Korean War also)

Fleet, Richard W.

Flynn, Frank Marion

Folnsbee, William Thomas

Folts, William Phillip

Gestwicki, Ralph J.

Goltry, Ernest

Hallenbeck, Carl Emerson

Hines, John Lewis (Korean War also)

Holden, Sr. James E.

Houck, Kenneth J.

Houck, Wellington John "Wally"

Hughey, Sr. Donald S.

Jackson, Harry L.

Jayne, Tracy C.

Keegan, Donald F.

Kraus, Jr. Charles Henry

Miller, Gerald J.

Miller, Lester J.

Mosher, Charles Otis

Owen, Sr. Clifford L.

Owen, Edward H.

Phenes, Carl Reed

Pierce, Lloyd E. "Pete"

Plummer, Donald L.

Rapalee, Daniel

Rarrick, Carlton LeRoy

Ray, Herbert Walter

Rexford, Jesse H.

Sanders, Joseph F.

Sebring, Cole

Smalley, Lawrence Dean

Stamp, Benjamin F. (World War I also)

Steinback, Marshall L.

Stewart, James H.

Stone, Frederick L.

Tharrett, Ashton Junior

Tormey, John B

Trojanowski, Thomas Peter

Vine, John Junior

Wagner, Chester H.

Wehrman, George L.

Wilcox, Donald Alfred (Korean War also)

Willis, Harold Alonzo

Wood, James Edward

Wright, Richard Earl "Dick"

York, Theodore F.

Korean War

Allard, Bernard R.

Byrnside, Junior A. (World War II and Vietnam War also)

Dalberth, Charles Paul

Eaton, William D. (World War II also)

Folnsbee, Leroy Gordon (Vietnam War also)

Heverly, Norman J. "Duffy"

Hines, John Lewis (World War II also)

Houck, Joseph Richard

Houck, Lawrence G.

Howell, James L.

Huey, Richard Wesley "Dick"

Manning-Byrnside, Joan M.

Rappleye, Winston J.

Stevens, Jr. Ray Herbert

Swarthout, Asa Vernon

Wilcox, Donald Alfred (World War II also)

Vietnam War

Aldrich, Harold Richard

Byrnside, Junior A. (World War II and Korean War also)

Folnsbee, Leroy Gordon (Korean War also)

Hoffman, Jr. Clyde E.

Peterson, Stephen C. "Pete"

Sullivan, Robert C. "Bob"

Wheeler, Bernard H.

Williams, Michael Paul

War in Afghanistan

Croft, LTC William E. "Billy" (War in Iraq also)


Baker, Frederick Palmer

Campbell, Irwin J. "Jack"

Deats, Jr. Merlin

Howard, Billy D.

Huey, Wilmar Linton "Bill"

Kelly, Joseph Robert

Lane, Leo J.

Masin, Sr. John J.

Norris, John Maxwell

Pym, Sr. Charles W.

Steckert, William F.

Tobin, Thomas Joseph

Wolverton, Elmo L.

Wood, Harold M.

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